The right view differs
us from others.

The right view differs
us from others.


“NDT Industry and NDT Construction.”

Schmitt NDT GmbH is always currently accredited and certified. This is a par-for-the-course process at the company and necessary in order to test according to the latest expertise. The advance training of the employees is just as important at Schmitt NDT GmbH as experience and the development of techniques


• DAkkS accreditation 17025-2018 of Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH,
includes DIN EN 9001, registration number of the certificate: D-PL-20538-01-00
(please click)

List of standards in the flexible accreditation area as at 20/06/2024
(please click)

• DIN ISO 45001:2024 by DVS, Arbeitsschutzmanagement (please click)

• Authorised for the Limos process 

• Recognised test centre by DMSB/4

Nadcap certification by the Performance Review Institute PRI in Pennsylvania,
USA, for the field of non-destructive testing, certification number 17707210020

(please click)

• Recognised testing supervisory authority Stage 3/Level III for PT, MT by the Federal Aviation Office (LBA)

• Supplier audited by customers in the fields of aviation, nuclear engineering and railways

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